National HQ Shutting Down for Year End

For those of you who might not have seen this. VFW National's fiscal year ends August 31st.

"The Member Service Center is preparing for the VFW fiscal year-end, please be advised on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at 11:30 am CDT dues payments, installment payments, installment enrollment, magazine subscriptions, member transfers, and member updates will be taken, but will experience a slight delay in processing. We expect to resume normal processing on or before Wednesday, September 8, 2022.

"We will continue to take store orders during VFW Store inventory which begins Thursday, August 25, 2022, and runs through Wednesday, August 31, 2022; however, shipping of orders or the processing of cancellations/returns will not be available until September 1, 2022."

PS: Life Membership should hit around the time they come back up...

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